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International Student Exchange Program in China


时间:2023-12-20 16:51:17     作者:     来源:     点击数:

As an interactive platform for cross-cultural exchanges, our institute integrates advantageous educational resources to create distinctive teaching programs, aiming to cultivate international talents with competitiveness, and organizes short-term exchange study programs for international students to come to China to help overseas students understand China's economy and culture, experience China's current development situation in close proximity, and learn about China's hot topics.

Academic Programs

The curriculum of the International Students Exchange Program to China focuses on understanding the current Chinese economy and culture, participating in courses such as Introductory Chinese Language, Chinese History, E-commerce, etc., which cover a wide range of topics such as Chinese language and culture, Chinese economy, innovation and entrepreneurship. The course format is rich and varied, integrating current hot topics in China, and deepening students' understanding of related topics through lectures, dialogues, and exchanges with local students.

Cultural Activities

Tai'an, a city with a long history and deep cultural heritage. There are many places of interest here, and the culture has a long history and is an important part of Chinese culture. Relying on the four-in-one dual-institution system, our institute advocates experiential learning, and arranges for students to visit the corresponding attractions and cultural institutions according to the theme of the program. In addition, our institute also puts some traditional culture such as calligraphy, topography, paper-cutting, face sculpture, shadow puppets, martial arts, Taishan stone culture study and other activities to interact and exchange with Chinese students, so as to deeply experience Chinese culture and perceive the development of contemporary Chinese society.


Corporate Visits

The International Student Exchange Program combines theoretical learning with enterprise visits, in which students have the opportunity to go into various enterprises in China, learn about their culture and mode of operation, and interact with the executives of the enterprises through dialogues and other forms of close interaction, and the enterprises visited cover the fields of e-commerce, science and technology, and finance.